npm install react-repeat
You can pass the elements that you wanna repeat inside of the component, pass the number of repetitions with prop size:
<Repeat size={6}>
🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌You can pass diferent elements:
<Repeat size={6}>
🍌🍓🍌🍓🍌🍓If you pass an odd number on ``size`` prop, the items will be repeated until to fill the length that you need it.
<Repeat size={5}>
🍌🍓🍏🍌🍓You can pass ``shuffle`` prop and the output elements will be randomized, only will calculated on first render.
<Repeat size={5} shuffle>
You can pass any item not only HTML elements, example with React Components:
function BannanaButton (props) {
return <button>🍌 Banana Button</button>
function Counter (props) {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0)
function increment () {
setCount(count + 1)
return (
<button onClick={increment}>
Count {count}
render (
<Repeat size={10}>
<BannanaButton />
<Counter />
The props will be passed automatically on every clone component:
function Button ({ message, onSayHello }) {
return (
<button onClick={() => onSayHello(message)}>
const App = () => {
function handle (message) {
return (
<Repeat size={6}>
message='This is cool!'
<App />